21 February 2008

birthdays . . .

so today's my 34th birthday. so much has changed since my 33rd birthday i don't even know how to comprehend it all. the last year has been about change ... almost more so than my 28th year of saturn return (wouldn't go back to that if you paid me!). i don't even know where to start at all the wonderful experiences i've had in the last year. and i can't even begin to think about how amazing the next year will be.

it's been a great day so far. mac made me breakfast before i had to head to work. a group of co-workers took me out to lunch. mac and i are due to go dancing tonight and tomorrow we head to manzanita to celebrate our birthdays. we are looking forward to getting away . . . despite all the work we have to do on the house. the contractor comes over tomorrow at 545p to give us a bid for the kitchen remodel. we're very anxious to get the project going. it would be ideal to get it done before i leave for europe but not sure if that will happen. the house is really coming together. the bathroom got painted last weekend and it looks fantastic. mac mixed a really buttery color and i'm very happy with the result. we're trying to get 2 hrs of house stuff done a day ... not always successfully but we're making the effort.

so today is my friend bd's wedding in nashville. she's marrying a great man (he's a pisces - you know how i feel about them) and i'm very happy for them ... so i'm sending a shout-out congratulations to them on their big day.

today i'm grateful for . . . a year's distance and the prospect of many amazing birthdays ahead shared with the love of my life.


ryanvdz said...


Kelly's Corner said...

I echo Ryan... Happy Birthday! May this be one of THE happiest, as it looks like it certainly will!

Enjoy the moments. :)
