13 March 2008

i blame the parents for this . . .

so my office mate sent me this ridiculous video. while the child is more ridiculous than any i've ever seen, i totally blame the parents for this monster.

so today i'm thankful for . . . having parents that gave me boundaries and made me appreciate gifts!


ryanvdz said...

Revolting. Simply revolting. I nearly vomited I was so disgusted watching that clip.

I also had a VERY strong urge to cause physical harm to the little b*tch. I think she needs a good slappin. :)

JB Becker said...

i really think the parents deserve a good slappin'. it's not like they didn't know she was a spoiled brat before they bought her the car. hell! they made her that way.

ryanvdz said...

Oh I blame the parents too, don't get me wrong. However I think that they're not entirely to blame. Clearly the world she lives in encourages her behavior (friends, schools, etc) but she, like everyone, can think independently and choose how (and who) they want to be. She's chosen to be a little nasty brat.

It'd be a VERY interesting (and probably very satisfying) experiment to take her (and all spoiled brats like her) and drop them into a remote village in Africa somewhere... see what happens. :)

JB Becker said...

wouldn't subject the african village to that. i would just take all the $ & stuff away and make 'em stay here so they can see what's it's like to not have everything when those around them do. i'm glad the mother returned the car. she should never get it back.

ryanvdz said...

Hehe, good point. Those poor villagers have way too much to deal with already.