18 April 2008

greetings from the land of mosquitos . . .

so i'm finally back stateside although not quite home yet. i arrived in tampa, fl last night after a *long* day of traveling. my flight out of amsterdam was delayed by 4 hrs and that made me miss my connection in atlanta. so then i had the pleasure of sitting in hartsfield for another 3 hrs after going through customs. yay! luckily, in amsterdam i started talking to a cute older gay male couple that were also headed back to tampa. i ended up having dinner with them in atlanta and exchanging contact info. they had been together 23 yrs and were just plain adorable.

today i slept in a bit and got some laundry done and then had lunch with my grandparents before meeting my mom for a mani/pedi. my grandmother is hosting a family get-together on saturday evening so i can see the whole fam damily in one fell swoop. so far the guest list is at 30 . . . and that's just *immediate* family. did i mention i'm latin?

anywho, i'm pretty ready to be home. am counting the hours till sunday night. at least i'm back in cellphone range again and i've been able to talk to mac and send txts again. it's hot as hell here. i think it hit 90 today and of course the mosquitos are out in full force. i've been bitten 6x since i've been writing this post alone! ugh!

so today i'm thankful for . . . making it back safely and being able to go home soon!

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