29 July 2007

indulgence & desire

so last night was totally unexpected. had a lovely evening planned for myself and friends. a dear friend of mine, osha, is a wonderfully talented massage therapist and just graduated from acupuncture school. she'd offered me a treatment for my birthday several months back and we just hadn't had a free moment to schedule it. well, we persisted and i was able to get on her schedule last night after work. what a glorious way to end a tough week. i walked 3 blks to osha's house and spent 1.5 hrs in total bliss. my stomach started to growl during the treatment and osha had some food so we had a snack and then i was off to meet my friend, cg, at a local wine bar for a tasting of 6 oregon pinot noirs. we've been doing regular tastings a wine bar in her 'hood on saturday nights so we decided to switch it up and try a friday night tasting up in my 'hood. enjoyed the tasting and the company. on our way out, i got a txt msg from star asking what i was up to. she said she was meeting friends in about an hour and asked if i wanted to join. i convinced cg that she should join us so we headed back to my place to hang out in the backyard to wait for the call as star wasn't certain where we were going or even when. had a nice time hanging out in the yard and cg decided she was too tired to join so she headed home. i got a txt from star that i should come pick her up if it would keep me *motivated* to go out. i don't think i've ever gotten dressed to go out so quickly. i think i got her her place in less than 30 mins. we headed downtown to meet up with folks for a night at the gay boy bars. i had forgotten how much fun they are. queens really do know how to party. we had a great time dancing the night away.

ended up meeting some friends at the oregon brewers festival on the waterfront for a few hours this afternoon. we have a great brewfest every year with many beers that i couldn't find otherwise. tasted a bourbon barrel abbey dubbel from flying fish brewing that tasted like having a beer chaser on a good glass of bourbon. after tasting 10 different beers, i headed home. hung out with the dog in the backyard for awhile and napped on the couch.

ended up meeting cg and her girl for another tasting tonight. had some good stuff and hung out for quite awhile. went to double down to dance and see star for a bit. ran into some folks i know and danced to some good music but the music was a bit inconsistent so i wasn't totally into it. i headed home around midnight to get some rest.

meeting a friend for brunch tomorrow am before i meet up with star for coffee. looking forward to it since i haven't seen my friend in awhile. gotta get some housework done and maybe some yard work too. dix called earlier to see if i wanted yard work help tomorrow. might take her up on it. gotta get some packing thought about for my trip.

looking forward to seeing bd and my big sister. get to meet my niece who's almost a year old. i gave her her middle name and she'll soon be a big sister to twins. crazy. looking forward to nashville and the honky tonks. gotta remember to pack boots ... if i could find myself a cowgirl, it might be the perfect trip.

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