22 August 2007

finish what you started . . .

so it's been 7 months since my relationship ended and as these things go it's been fairly *easy*and amicable. over this period of time, we've disentangled most of our lives and just had one item left to attend to – signing the papers to separate our domestic partnership. we had discussed that it needed to be done and that it wasn't an immediate priority when the separation first happened. but now it's been 7 mos and i'm ready to be *done*. our fair county requires that either both parties be present to separate the partnership or that one notify the other of their intent to do so via certified mail with a return receipt. i had hoped we could be adults and do it together since we'd both managed to show up to get *hitched* in the first place. when i was finally able to reach my ex yesterday to schedule said signing, she informed me that it would just be too much work for her to get there during business hours and could i just handle it and send her the letter. the only reason i agreed is that if i wait around for her handle it, it'll never get done. so today i dispatched the necessary letter and now just wait for the return receipt to hit my mailbox.

i guess i'm just annoyed that, yet again, i get left holding the bag of responsibility. she left and somehow now she's off the hook from signing the divorce papers. she could have at least had the respect to be present at the end of this relationship and finish what she'd started.

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