30 August 2007

my mom rocks!

my momso, my mom and i have had a pretty interesting relationship over the years. life hasn't always been easy. she was a single mom and *very* young when she had me. i'm very glad that she decided to keep me. we've had our moments over the years that have been tumultuous and silent. we've really gotten close again over the last year tho. i think we've both grown up and learned to love each other and let each other be. we can actually *talk* about stuff like we never have before. it's pretty cool. i feel very fortunate to have the kind of relationship we have.

she'll be here to visit in a few weeks. this will be the first time she gets to see where i live. i've been in pdx for 5+ yrs and this will be her first ever visit to the entire west coast. will be nerve-racking and exciting all at the same time. my step-dad and grandparents will be coming as well. i'm going to host a bbq for them to be able to meet all my friends. figure it'll be the easiest thing to do.

then my mom and i are going to italy together in april. should be a fun trip. am planning to stay in europe an extra week after mom heads home. am really looking forward to doing that trip with her. it's been 20 yrs since we last traveled together.

so today i'm thankful for . . . my mom

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